What is Vibration Therapy?

Vibration Therapy is a platform you can stand, sit or lie on and it causes thousands of contractions per minute in the muscle fibers. This action causes an immediate response in the muscles and joints to essentially “wake up” the muscle leaving it stretched and toned by the end of a 10-minute session. There is also an increase in blood flow which helps injuries heal faster.

At Vivicare, we use Vibration Therapy in rehabilitating injuries and to aid in weight loss. Our treatment protocols speed up the healing process and allow you to get back to your regular activities quickly. Research has also shown that when used regularly, there is a measurable increase in bone density, reduced back and joint pain, improved balance, weight loss and a visible difference in cellulite.

Strapped for time, you can come to Vivicare and get a 10 minute Vibration Therapy session and go about your day with more energy, decreased pain and an overall sense of improved wellbeing.

Call Us Today and Schedule a Vibration Therapy Appointment!
